#MVconf2015: human stories in the Migration crisis
18-19 September: @UniWestminster hosted migration conference, with panels, workshops, debates, to talk and share the narrative behind the current crisis.
- Today! 5th annual #MVConf2015 - The State of #Migration: Striving for Change, Reclaiming the Narrative @UniWestminster#migrantvoices
- @MigrantVoiceUK communities from Birmingham, Glasgow, and London gathered together along with academics, journalists, and other NGOs interested and involved in migration.
- Today, an important part of @Migreat's content team will attend@MigrantVoiceUK's conference #mvconf2015
- Bulgarians in London attending @MigrantVoiceUK conference on the state of #migration in UK #mvconf2015
- First accounts, volunteering operations, from the issues to the solutions. The discussion themes during the two-days conference could took the starting point from the current news line regarding the refugees crisis, from the Mediterranean crisis, now spreading and touching the whole EU.
Fantastic turnout #mvconf2015 & great room @UniWestminster about to start our 5th annual conference #migrantvoices pic.twitter.com/piXPezPUui- The University of Westminster has just started Westminster Migration Network Group. @DorrieChetty, Senior Lecturer in Sociology at Westminster, works on migration research, and she is building links to widen the community and prompt more dialogue around topics of multiculturalism, integration, and social cohesion.
- By helding the Fifth MV Annual Conference at Regent Street campus - University of Westminster - the dialogue among parts can start.
@DorrieChetty of University of Westminster welcoming guests at#MVconf2015. Day 1. pic.twitter.com/niAPL1lreL- @NazekRamadan, Director of Migrant Voice, introduced the key topics and activities for the day. But, first of all, a look at the situation in Calais: pictures of the camp, with tents, toys, and clothing spread on the land where many asylum seekers are stopped in their research for a better place to live.
- Very excited to be @MigrantVoiceUK conference. powerful opening speech from Nazak Ramadan #MVconf2015. Images of #Calais#migrant narrative
- 'As long as there are wars and conflicts, people will have to flee for their lives' - Nazek Ramadan #MVconf2015 @MigrantVoiceUK
- The first panel was introduced by a video with Fadi's journey across the Mediterranean. From the real experience, to the debate around the solution.
Good to hear Fadi's journey from #Syria across the #Med Important#migrantvoice & 'grounding' for the day #MVconf2015pic.twitter.com/pYzhtaLcyfThe 'Migration crisis', the migrants, and Europe's response
@lindseyhilsum - Channel 4 News International Editor - chaired the panel.
During the short presentations by each participant, reactions via Twitter started. Data, quotes, and comments were projected behind the speakers as the ashtag #MVconf2015 allowed networking through an attentive audience.
5th Annual @MigrantVoiceUK conference at @UniWestminster with@lindseyhilsum from @Channel4News #MVconf2015pic.twitter.com/ywM9cT9UF7- @sabir_zazai - centre Director at Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre
- Despite furore only 6% refugees from Syria sought safety in EU. Response more fences and walls. @MigrantVoiceUK #mvconf2015sabir zazai
- @MauriceAWren - CEO Refugee Council
- Before starting her presentation, Dr. Lul Seyoum - Director of ICERAS - asked for a moment of silence:
- A moments silence remembering those who have died on the journey at #mvconf2015 - sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, parents, children...
- 'Situation in Europe is manageable, but only if EU manages it' - spot on by Andrej Mahecic @UNHCRUK #MVconf2015
- After lunch, the work restarted, with a second panel, once again introduced by a video. This time, experiences from migrants in the UK are on the screen.
- Good #migrantvoices start #freemovement #European #migration session including old friend @one_bg at #mvconf2015 pic.twitter.com/ECd4ksFB4y
'To move or not to move' - European migration and UK's response
@emilydugan - Social Affairs Editor at the Independent, i and the Independent on Sunday - chaired the second panel of the day:
So glad I've met fab Independent journalist @emilydugan @MigrantVoiceUK#MVconf2015 & got a signed copy of her book! pic.twitter.com/kthbG3KOlY- Jan Krauss - Political officer at the ECRepresentation in the UK
- Jan Krauss - more than 60% of migrants migrating to the UK already have a job lined up prior arrival #mvconf2015
- Although newspapers suggest migrants come to the UK for benefits, there is no evidence of welfare tourism #mvconf2015
- "Most EU countries dont refer to fellow EU citizens as 'migrants' at all! Only the UK..." @rogercasale #MVconf2015
- Jean Lambert - London Green MEP
- .@GreenJeanMEP lot of discussion on brain drain but we have to as country discuss brain waste & loss of talent #mvconf2015@MigrantVoiceUK
- Post-war project/EU = freedom of movement people, goods, capital - people more important than fridges! No restrictions! Symes#MVconf2015
- #MVconf2015: "Freedom from also means Freedom for" (Susie Symes)
- Dr Natalia Paszkiewicz - Projects Coordinator at IARS and Associate Research Fellow at the University of Exeter
So great to see so many diverse faces, new & old engaged with #mvconf2015today pic.twitter.com/F2Jssx5nut- 5 workshops took place in the afternoon.
The Human Rights Act, Calais, Immigration Bill 2015 were among the issues debated in the groups. - Concrete actions and messages to propose to a wider audience as result of the first day of the conference were the final aims to reach at the end of each workshop.
- excellent workshop on #HumanRightsAct glad you are out there defending it @sfhosali @BIHRhumanrights #MVconf2015
- Before the end, migration and integration projects were presented, with the chance to engage directly with the people involved.
- Great conference today organised by @MigrantVoiceUK!#MVconf2015
19 September
@MigrantVoiceUK #MVconf2015 Day 2 The State of Migration. Striving for change. Reclaiming the narrative. pic.twitter.com/1xLkCE7Y5Z- The second day of the conference started from "where we were yesterday."
Brief sum up of the groupworks and quickly moving towards the practical moments of the following hours.
Volunteer Mira starting off Day 2 by summarising migrant crisis workshop from yesterday afternoon #MVconf2015 pic.twitter.com/VMNqmwwmA4- Visibility is a key word. Migration is an old story, but with different faces as time goes on and the fluxes change directions.
- Interact with the media and share stories with a wider audience are therefore important and the first actions to take, in order to make such issues known and the people reading/listening/watching more sensible towards the topic.
- 'Meet a migrant' session with journalist @harrietgrant . Day 2 at#MVconf2015
- The first session of the day gave the opportunity to watch and analyse interviews with migrants and how to present their stories.
- @harrietgrant - freelance journalist, filmmaker and radio producer - was in conversation with Victoria, South African nurse.
Great to see practical interviewing techniques with Victoria S. African nurse@harrietgrant #meetamigrant #MVconf2015 pic.twitter.com/FADtt4bbyp- Shyamantha Asokan - freelance journalist and photographer - was in conversation with Serenella, Italian student.
'Good opportunities 4 #Europeans in UK as students/workers but challenges re negative rhetoric'Serenella #MVconf2015 pic.twitter.com/oj8IHGiTKD- Parminder Bahra - Executive Producer at The Wall Street Journal Europe - was in conversation with Jacques, from Democratic Republic of Congo.
Jacques discusses challenges in DRC & difficulty of leaving & living apart from family with @sanityclaus #MVconf2015 pic.twitter.com/a092Ki8v9h- Q&As from the audience followed, as the session was chaired by Daniel Nelson - freelance journalist and editor.
Journalism panel chaired by @EventsNelson training migrants to speak to the media. #MVconf2015 pic.twitter.com/wZ3YLR1Wzk- "We live in a sound byte world, make it easy story by packaging your story." @sanityclaus #MVconf2015
- Networking lunch, workshops to discuss further actions in order to continue the work started with the conference, went on as also the second day came to an end.
- Special thanks to Dorrie Chetty and the University of Westminster, for hosting the event,
Great support from @DorrieChetty @UniWestminster for #MVconf2015 looking forward to continued partnership pic.twitter.com/SyRXUotpGX- and to the volunteers, who made it possible to realize all the activities and the moments during these two days.
A job well done! #mvconf2015 volunteers proud of their achievement at end of conference today pic.twitter.com/Z7HPLUU3eR- What really all the speeches, presentations, and workshops prompted to was to keep on the dialogue, meet people, and share the experience.
Change for the future starts from little and everyday actions.
This story was first created with Storify.
You can find the original version here.
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