Pandora: rediscovering the forgotten hope
A roller
coaster of rage and love, despair and satisfaction, desire and doubt.
Grace Chilton and Paksie Vernon has developed a 20-minute scratch monologue - first performed by the artistic duo for Etch010 in 2016 - in one hour long performance accompanied by live music,
with the title Pandora.
Wasn’t that
ancient myth of the woman and the box? Yes, that is the starting canvas, from where
the stories of two women - from two different parts of the universe - move and
intersect. But remember: there is much more in the box than just all the
sufferings and evils Pandora freed.
Helen (Grace Chilton), 19
years old, is pregnant. She has left home, her parents, and lives together with
her boyfriend, Aaron. The girl spends her days at home, most of the time on
The Wi-Fi is vital. It’s thanks to the broadband - not really to her partner - that Helen made up her mind and decided to continue the pregnancy, crossing out the abortion option. She often looks at the picture of a dreamy happy family she wishes will welcome the baby.
The Wi-Fi is vital. It’s thanks to the broadband - not really to her partner - that Helen made up her mind and decided to continue the pregnancy, crossing out the abortion option. She often looks at the picture of a dreamy happy family she wishes will welcome the baby.
Hera (Paksie Vernon) is the
Queen of Heaven. Sexually unsatisfied by her husband Zeus, she decides to
search for some entertainment down on earth. The goddess finds the object of
her desires, but, unexpectedly, as a consequence, she becomes a woman, with apparently
no superpowers.
It’s the irresistible
human disposition to do what we are told not to do. And the mess that comes out
from that short flick of the Pandora box leads to overwhelming difficulties and
For Helen,
it could have been the decision to continue her relationship with Aaron,
despite the facts she was not entirely sure and their young age. For Hera, it
could be her first steps down on earth to please herself.
“What hope
is there for this kid in this world,” cries in confusion Helen. The misery and
the cruelty of humankind are indeed matters that appear more and more frequently
as the story goes on.
characters at the centre of this wonderful new story are written and interpreted
by two strong women. They embody all the facets of these roles, not so easy since,
as mentioned at the beginning, their lives look like a train going up and down
among and in between different passions and reactions. From Helen’s teen liking
for jelly, to the confusion on her pregnancy. From Hera’s lust, to the goddess’
The script presents
two distinct stories, until the life paths of the women meet at some point,
towards the end. I particularly liked the descriptive writing. The play works
around interrupted monologues of the protagonists, with a clear and paced rhythm.
And despite the minimal, actually close to zero, props, I could see everything
happening on the stage.
Etch presents
this show at Pleasance Theatre really on the week of International Women Day.
This play is about women, those creatures apparently so fragile, but who
actually contains a volcano of feelings and thoughts bursting and agitating
inside and outside.
Men are mentioned, often with neutral tone. What I received from this choice
was not a position against men, but the decision to put aside for once even this
reoccurring contrast man-woman, and let’s focus only on the female world, for
human being as well as in the high heavens.
strong point for me was the smooth blending of elements from the myth – the chaotic
and cruel world Pandora has thrown humanity into – and current life situations –
from Wi-Fi vital connection, to a typical pub evening.
The play
doesn’t want necessarily to leave a moral teaching, if not to be more open to
kindness and understanding, as Helen herself learns in the end.
Is not that
easy to be a woman today like it wasn't yesterday, but at the bottom of the box, Pandora eventually
finds hope, “a fractured piece of light" (as defined in the show). And that is actually what this
intense performance reminds us.
Dates: 7-11 March 2017
Venue: Pleasance Theatre
Thanks to Theatre Bloggers for the invite.
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